This will just be a short update. Nothing major, and really I just wanted to post;) They are probably going to reduce Ashton's vitamin dosage by half. I truly believe she should have always been on a regular vitamin like is recommended for all breastfeeding babies now rather than a CF vitamin. The difference is that the CF vitamin takes the fat soluble vitamins that people that have the digestive problems that come along with CF have trouble digesting, and make them water soluble. Since Ashton has no trouble digesting fats, I believe she should be on a regular vitamin. Don't get me wrong, as long as she is healthy, no big deal, but too much of a vitamin in your system can cause problems also. The nutritionist at Children's is great and has worked with us so much. As much as she could anyway. We haven't really needed the attention that most do, which we are extremely thankful for and Praise Him for! I don't think we are even going to see her anymore now unless we run into a weight or vitamin issue:) Anyway, yes, this is a random post, but I like to post every two or three days if possible...
Oh, and Jackson swears Ashton said "bubba" this morning! Also, it is becoming very obvious that Ashton's favorite place to play is "bubba's" room, and she LOVES purple hull peas:) (Talk about random!)